Peaberry brasileño - Comercio directo
Precio habitual
Nivel de tueste : tueste medio-oscuro
Perfil de sabor:
- Boca: chocolate, dátiles
- Acabado: especias cálidas
Recomendación de elaboración: prensa francesa, vertido, goteo automático
Para obtener los mejores resultados al preparar cerveza, recomendamos moler los granos justo antes de prepararla. ¿No tienes una amoladora? Está bien, te respaldamos. ¡Podemos molerlo por ti! Simplemente seleccione su opción de molienda preferida en el menú desplegable.
Customer Reviews
When I purchased this, I did not realize it was a dark roast, but it was excellent. Love the personal message Roger included with my order.
Prompt delivery and excellent coffee. We lean towards the light and medium roasts and have enjoyed the ones that we have tried.
We really enjoyed the Daicey Pond. The sample of blueberry ledges was also great, we’ve had one brew of the Brazilian Peaberry and thought that was pretty good too. We enjoy your coffees and are glad to help support a Maine company!